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Perfect Plant Paring: Snow Crocus, Sedum, and Aspen

This plant paring uses sedum 'Autumn Joy,' snow crocus, and aspen for the perfect combo.


What is a perfect plant pairing?

Similar Growing Conditions: For me the pairing has to work logistically, meaning the plants need about the same conditions to thrive and a similar maintenance.

Bloom Succession: the parings have to have a good succession of seasons so that the area of the garden looks good all year. That being said, there should also be some overlap, otherwise we never get to truly appreciate the pairing.

Looks: Lastly, they have to look great together! in a perfect plant paring, the plants both have to elevate one another so that the entire scene is made better than the individual plants on their own.


What I love about this paring is the sequence. In early spring, the snow crocus peek out, followed by the tight blue-green mound of sedum 'Autumn Joy.' Eventually the sedum completely covers the crocus and adds a lovely contrast to the white bark of the aspen. When in bloom, Autumn Joy has peachy pink flowers with just a touch of green. En masse the blooms look ethereal and light. The sedum remains looking good well into fall, and in the winter the seedheads add some life into an otherwise stark garden.

To my eye, the blue-green foliage of sedum 'Autumn Joy' provides a place for my eye to relax when the garden is overflowing with dahlias or other annual blooms, especially while its blooms are still green. Sometimes it's just nice to see a tidy clump.

This plant pairing will work with any small spring ephemeral. If you have a lot of squirrels in your garden, try subbing in Iris reticulata, glory of the snow, or Grecian windflower for snow crocus.

For a dark twist, choose a sedum variety like 'Back in Black.'

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' giving my eye a break from the bright pink glow of annual gomphrena, with an aspen and weeping white spruce
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' giving my eye a break from the bright pink glow of annual gomphrena

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in early spring
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in early spring

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in late summer
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in late summer

The sedum looks great against the dark needles of a weeping white spruce and the chartreuse foliage of Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in early spring
The sedum looks great against the dark needles of a weeping white spruce and the chartreuse foliage of chamaecyparis

sedum autumn joy and aspen

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